Archive | September, 2009

Current Food Obsession

24 Sep


here’s what I’m eating these days:


Literally almost THE ONLY THING I have been eating for breakfast, lunch, and dinner this past week. I don’t know why, but I’m craving avocado so badly at the moment, it’s insane. And I was lucky and got some really good tomatoes at the market, and for me, this is one of those perfect combinations that don’t need more than a pinch of salt and pepper to taste just heavenly. The arugula salad on top and the bread beneath are nice additions. So, this is obviously not much of a recipe, rather a flavor recommendation; if you insist, however, here’s a how to make this:

Find yourself a slice of good bread. Spread about 1/4 of a nice avocado on it; make sure the avocado is ripe. Layer with tomato slices. Sprinkle generously with salt and pepper, and top off with some chopped arugula leaves. Enjoy!

The easiest food is the best. I could live on this stuff for another week. Maybe I will.

Eat well! And enjoy these beautiful days.
xoxo, F.

Pumpkin and Feta

12 Sep

Hello there,


fall is (almost) here! And with fall comes… pumpkin. Which is great! Here comes a very simple recipe which is great for weeknight dinners, but also, maybe with a roast or some other meat dish, fancy enough for Sunday night when the in-laws come for dinner. It requires very few ingredients, and doesn’t take long. So, without further ado:

serves 3-4

pumpkin, washed, cleaned and cut into cubes; I used one small hokkaido, approx. 1.5 pounds
feta cheese, cut into cubes; I used greek feta, approx. 0.5 pound
salt, pepper, thyme

pumpkin slices


In a pot, bring water to a boil; add salt. Put in the pumpkin cubes, and let boil for 3-4 mins., not longer. Take out, drain, and transfer into a baking dish. Season with salt and pepper.

Preheat your oven to 350° F.

Cover the pumpkin cubes with feta cubes, sprinkle with thyme.

before baking

Bake for approx. 30 mins., until the feta starts to turn very light brown. Enjoy!

after baking

Easy, right?! We ate ours with cooked, sliced beetroot and a fresh green salad.

with beetroot

Ah, I love fall. In fact, I’ll take a nice long walk right now.
Good bye for now! Eat well!
xoxo, F.